
Julie Levesque - 'Offshoot IV'
'Offshoot IV' - 2024, metal, wood, paint, 8” x 12” x 7”
Julie Levesque - 'Offshoot I'
'Offshoot I' - 2024, wood, metal, paint, string, 29.5” x 5” x 3”
Julie Levesque - 'Offshoot II'
'Offshoot II' - 2024, charred wood, white sand, wood, 18” x 5.5” x 4”
'Offshoot III' - 2024, wood, clear epoxy resin, metal, paint, 52” x 5.5” x 2.5”
'Offshoot V' - 2024, clear epoxy metal, wood, paint, 10” x 3.5” x 3”
'Offshoot VI' - 2024, metal, wood, paint, 14” x 5.5” x 5”


Dividing Lines, explores the dual nature of boundaries in both two and three dimensions.

In these three-dimensional wall sculptures entitled Offshoots, organic forms evolve on opposite sides of a central horizontal plane or contain artificial delineations that reference maps.